"The whole territory blockade" season tickets and additional content notice enough to play one year of!

Updated: March 4, 2016  Views: 7

Ubisoft officially announced << >> the whole territory of the blockade season tickets and additional content trailers, including free game content.


Season ticket includes one-year content, gaming content free 'invasion' scheduled April release, commonly known as the introduction of the raid mode, supports four cooperation challenge the content of many battles together freely distributed transaction system further includes a trophy, a user performs the same team collaboration task each other tradable items.

In addition, a free content 'conflict' scheduled May release, adding a new system with a dark Columbus Square in New York 'invasion' of the task.

Three piece of information or to purchase season tickets for the game Gold Edition and Limited Edition user, released in June subterranean battle, explore Manhattan subway underground pipes and summer release fighting wave after wave of enemy challenge mode, various settings for the scene props winter release, 'Last Stand' to set the Statue of Liberty island scene, tackle new threats and enemy.

Like other online games, the event will also release the dark areas of game content, many mission mode, game equipment.

<< >> The whole territory of the blockade on sale March 8 Xbox One, PS4, PC version.

The whole territory of blockade

(Source: Star homeless Editor: Wimpy kid

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Traditional Chinese: 《全境封鎖》季票與附加內容預告 夠玩1年的了!