Carina Lau and Rosamund Kwan said that is not the best friend refused to comment

Updated: November 16, 2015  Views: 34

Lead: According to Hong Kong's 'Ming Pao' message, Carina Lau and Rosamund Kwan earlier involved in Taiwan businessman Chen tai divorce crisis, there have been reports alluding Carina Rosamund Kwan was photographed together with Chen tai mountain climbing, did not bother her feelings, Carina Lau this sense somehow.


Last night, Carina Lau attend the wedding, and then respond to the matter, she said: 'I was climbing with different people today.' She thought Rosamund possible because of emotional life is not happy, so it would be more sensitive, until the event fades contact them again other. she ask ourselves is not Rosamund's 'best friend', so I do not know the other side of marriage and divorce.

Carina Lau also said he did not contact the Rosamund Kwan, but there is contact with Chen tai, she said, 'I told him to clear out quickly, but he said that did not want to hurt you.'

In addition, it is reported Rosamund has been doing 'underground wife,' Do you think the media asked Carina Chen tai should be given Rosamund birthright Carina Lau said:? 'I can not comment on these, everyone different way of doing things, as long as the two men reached an agreement with the tacit understanding, and independent of the others. ' Get Top News, Latest News and Current News from Latest Current News: U.S., China, World, Entertainment, Health, Finance, Business, echnology, Travel, Politics, Sports.