Ximeng - Taizhou 800 kV HVDC transmission project to accelerate

Updated: May 23, 2016  Views: 400

Ximeng - Taizhou + -800 kV HVDC transmission project to accelerate (1/14)

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May 23, 2016, construction workers in Inner Mongolia Ximeng - Taizhou + -800 kV HVDC transmission line project in Lianyungang City Ganyu Shahe Town section construction site for the formation of DC transmission line tower project work is understood, Ximeng - Taizhou project through Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu and 5 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities, the new Ximeng, Taizhou, Block 2, converter station, the converter capacity of 20 million kilowatts, the line length of 1620 km, the project investment of 25.4 billion yuan, in after October 2015 the State Development and Reform Commission approved plans to build and put into operation in 2017. the project put into operation, the annual transport capacity to 55 billion kwh in Jiangsu Province, which is equivalent to transport coal 25.2 million tons, 49.5 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions can be reduced, 12.4 tons of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, 131,000 tons, will effectively ease the energy supply and demand Mao Dun and air pollution prevention and control pressure in Jiangsu province, to meet the province's electricity needs and economic development needs.

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Traditional Chinese: 錫盟-泰州800千伏特高壓直流輸電工程加快推進