HTC said the startling news of layoffs careful assessment of the human

Updated: May 20, 2016  Views: 94

HTC mobile phone factory yesterday held a staff meeting, but the startling news of layoffs, HTC did not respond positively today, represents only the measures would enhance operational efficiency through the implementation of accountability and encouragement, and critically assess the allocation of human resources to achieve maximum efficiency.

Media reports, HTC held a staff meeting yesterday, they heard some of the staff being laid off, and when you take the elevator to leave the company, but also hear other department employees have been laid off.

In this regard, expressed HTC, 'HTC has employees as the company's major asset for Taiwan to cultivate talented people; to improve operational efficiency and encourage the implementation of accountability measures through prudent assessment of the human resources in order to achieve maximum efficiency, thereby strengthening brand and company's operations. '

HTC announced last August will reduce the total global number of employees nearly 15%, equivalent to 2250 employees, in order to reach a 35% reduction in operating costs of the goal. At the end of October last year, HTC to Taoyuan and new North City Hall to declare layoffs total of about 600 people , but did not disclosed the total number of job cuts throughout the year. Get Top News, Latest News and Current News from Latest Current News: U.S., China, World, Entertainment, Health, Finance, Business, echnology, Travel, Politics, Sports.

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