"Wizards 3" Heart of Stone entity Edition box

Updated: October 14, 2015  Views: 39

Wizards 3 >> << first major DLC 'Heart of Stone' officially on sale, in addition to the digital download version of this DLC entity also launched version, the most attractive nature is bundled Quint licensing entity, the following We'll take a while foreign media GameStar-box evaluation video, enjoy together about it.

Playing cards playing cards! Buy card gave the game!

Entity version << >> Quint licensing wizard 3 kind 'Heart of Stone' came with very generous, were two entities << >> Wizards card game cards Quint Quint group and a card game rule book. But it needs Note that, with the cards are face cards in English.

Since Quint cards already at hand, it is also what game to play, first to a Quint cards say it!

<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box
<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box
<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box
<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box
<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box
<< Wizards 3: Heart of Stone >> Quinte licensing entity coming out of the box

<< Wizards 3: mad hunt >>'s first large-scale fees DLC 'Heart of Stone' was listed on October 13, the entity version reportedly will be delayed a few days because of material reasons paragraph DLC 'Blood and Wine' will be held. 2016 introduced earlier, so stay tuned.

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