European Commission proposes strategy for future trade and investment

Updated: October 19, 2015  Views: 22

<< Bridge >> October 15 Weekly reported. The European Commission put forward the 'investing in new ways to promote' investment issue attracted widespread attention in the Organon TTIP negotiations and negotiations in trade and investment strategy documents Strategy document said the EU will in bilateral Agreement includes the new rules emphasize the rights of government regulation, will also reform the old investor - State Dispute Settlement Mechanism, converting the first instance court and the appellate court composed of public investment by the EU proposed that if the court system is in negotiations TTIP US acceptance is still a question how the United States investors in TPP negotiations - State Dispute Settlement is a sensitive issue in the Asia-Pacific region, the European Commission will be ongoing as to deepen China-EU investment negotiations and re-equilibration of the most priority issues of China-EU relations , but the content of strategy papers are still missing two economies open FTA negotiations, the EU said it would open the program when conditions are ripe, and domestic economic reforms in these conditions linked with Beijing. Get Top News, Latest News and Current News from Latest Current News: U.S., China, World, Entertainment, Health, Finance, Business, echnology, Travel, Politics, Sports.