"A coalition air" Mourinho ......

Updated: September 18, 2015  Views: 53

[Sina games feature articles, please indicate the source]

Sina game news on September 14 news, the perfect world agents operating mech theme MOBA games << >> empty armor Union will open the first test, the official Following angel machine, has exposed Mourinho machine and attack aircraft demonstration video.

<< Empty >> A coalition is attack aircraft, helicopters, angel machine, UFOs and other nine kinds of empty armor to replace the traditional 'hero' can fly combat MOBA games, these empty flight and Marine armor hero has two forms, You can switch at any time, each with a different form of special skills and attacks. In addition, the game provides pilots with different styles of empty armor, each pilot also has a unique talent and weaknesses.

<< Empty >> A coalition fighting dynamic map

Mourinho machine

Mourinho machine is a stealth assassin class A space hero, it is designed to destroy enemy fortifications and design. Mourinho is equipped with a cloaking device, so in the aircraft or armor patterns can completely hide themselves, but it It is also equipped with a large number of electronic warfare facilities, capable of interfering with enemy units and radar capabilities.

<< >> Mourinho machine empty armor Union


Energy soldier attack aircraft is a very balanced game attribute empty armor, into the attack and defend, capable battlefield anywhere it can summon the lightsaber on the ground and the light shield, lightsaber can attack enemy units, light shield can damage against the enemy.

<< Empty >> A coalition attack aircraft
<< Empty >> A coalition attack aircraft game screenshots

<< Empty >> A coalition attack aircraft game screenshots

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Traditional Chinese: 《空甲聯盟》尼奧......