Blizzard will be fine watch pioneer the United States serving a beta test early experience

Updated: October 9, 2015  Views: 54

Action elements and policy elements

Pioneer watch the first test, its intuitive feeling game systems is considerable depth, the general reaction force FPS game for players with high demands, we require players to judge the situation in their own moment in which judgment and make an attack and avoid a whole, And watch pioneer maps are relatively complex than it seems various FPS market, and has a real-time response mechanism map gives players buffs, relatively speaking, more strategic test players.


The industry called the new FPS Team Fortress brings more specialization of segregation of duties and more action elements to this type of game in the past stressed the shooting accuracy and mainstream stations based on the increased range of motion tricks , and try to watch a pioneer on this basis made more prominent, as a hero to make functions - attack - special skills three elements so that each hero was fighting way from hand have a huge difference, which also makes the players need MOBA games like master like every heroic action mode.

The role of death

Than the legion fortress, watch pioneer slightly difficult to get started, but it can be expected that the game you want to be proficient in energy needs and become professional players need to belong to a higher level of literacy, and multiple mechanisms and a clear division of labor brought about The fun of the game also allows players to get the general enjoyment.

Physics engine and feel

Scene interactive Rye pioneer is very good, excellent physics engine makes the scene after being struck many items have special effects, such as oxygen cylinder will leak after being hit, the cylinder on top of the ceiling, a few seconds After the fall, and combat has been leakage of oxygen bottles only make cylinders rolled. Many objects in the scene and the rolling force by the swing states are very sophisticated, attacks cans scattered on the ground, you can observe the scattering direction excellent place to see physics engine.

As a shooter, excellent feel is wanted important, the experience of the author, several heroes shot feel are very unique, based on different heroes firearms, recoil, and offset are making a difference in the results. And use unique feel, and a unique sense of melee hero against hero special transmitter and bows have also impressive.

Although there is not much alternative heroes, each hero's unique enough to make the author feel fascinated, imagine the development team effort spent in this regard to bring a good experience of the player.

Japan ubiquitous element

Blizzard rarely launch of the game has realistic cultural background, but various settings set, the Blizzard of art for the love of Japanese culture has come to an almost obsessive degree. In Rye pioneer in the background, even though each has a different map style and cultural archetype, Japan element has penetrated into all aspects.

vending machine

Vending machines this map, the beverage flags almost all written in Japanese alphabet.


Map of Japan with the theme of the most abundant natural element in Japan, the temple can be seen in the degree of love aphorisms Blizzard.


Other maps also has a hidden eggs, pay attention to the wording of the word kill, not the wording used in Traditional Chinese, but Japanese writing.

Egg game

Series machines also pay tribute to a lot of Japanese game.

Egg game

Close observation, the machine also has a game title pseudonym version, we can say in a few maps currently tested, more than half of the map have infiltrated Japanese elements. Get Top News, Latest News and Current News from Latest Current News: U.S., China, World, Entertainment, Health, Finance, Business, echnology, Travel, Politics, Sports.