CUP International: far Eastern Europe and Central Asia 9 countries opened CUP card business

Updated: October 20, 2015  Views: 2

Economic Daily Beijing October 19 (Reporter Chen Guo Jing CUP international latest data show that, at present, CUP international in nine countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region is far conducted business, including Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia, nearly 50 agencies opened CUP card acceptance or card issuing business.

It is understood that, in more than 60 countries and regions 'along the way' involved, there are nearly 50 countries and regions CUP card business, of which nearly Qicheng Kazakhstan ATM and Yu Wucheng CUP card merchant acceptance, Pakistan Nearly nine Qicheng ATM and POS available UnionPay cards merchant acceptance UAE has achieved full coverage, coverage of this year ATM upgrade will also benefit from 50% to 100%, CUP card acceptance face Azerbaijan, Turkey and other countries are also expanding.

Cai Jianbo, CUP international CEO, CUP international would be more extensive in the far Eastern Europe and Central Asia region on the basis of CUP card business, to build a mainstream bank exchange platform, as UnionPay card business development support, accelerate acceptance and issuers within the region landing operations, and thus more strongly support 'along the way' strategy. Get Top News, Latest News and Current News from Latest Current News: U.S., China, World, Entertainment, Health, Finance, Business, echnology, Travel, Politics, Sports.